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EN | eisk

Welcome to the website of the project «European Integration through language and culture». This is an initiative of the Kuban State University, which was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. 

The project consists of three conceptual blocks.


1. Research


EU-topics and the problematics of the integration through language and culture are extremely important nowadays. Living and teaching in a multicultural society is a constant challenge. In this project we analyse the experience of the European Union in this field, compare it with a situation in our country and search for the ways of mutual enrichment. As we are linguists and teachers, we look at the current situation from our vantage point and research how language and culture become or can become integrative phenomena, something that brings people of all backgrounds together. 2019 we will hold the international conference «Teaching and researching German in a multicultural surrounding», where we will share the results of the projects and exchange the experience with our colleagues. Afterwords a book will be published with conference papers. 


2. Teaching


We offer a series of elective courses for the students of the Faculty of Roman and German Philology such as «Intercultural Dialog in the Education Policy», «Dialog of cultures as a European Challenge», «History and Culture of Europe: Integration and the search for national identities» and «EU-topics for future translators». We also offer open lectures on different EU-subjects for everybody and organise workshops for teachers of the Krasnodar Region.


3. Events


We find it very important to involve as many participants as possible in our project. Thus we engaged the students of our faculty, pupils in the Krasnodar Region and representatives of business and politics to take part in our activities. 2017 we held a conference on the topic «City partnership as a dialog of cultures» with representatives of the administration of Krasnodar and Karlsruhe, Germany, 2018 we organised a round table talk «Intercultural communication in business» with representatives of international companies in Krasnodar Region». We plan a contest for pupils «How well do you know Europe» as well as a research project «Russia and the EU: on the way to a cultural dialog». 

Jean Monnet Chair: European Integration through language and culture